Our Logitech Squeezebox radio battery required replacement after seven years. Batteryhawk had a replacement at a fair price (including free shipping) compared to other sources, where price was slightly higher and shipping would not have been free. We ordered the Batteryhawk replacement. The order, followup, and delivery were smooth. The battery, however, is slightly too large for the compartment in the radio. It required a lot of pushing and jamming to get it seated and the cover of the battery case closed and secured. The battery connection was also more difficult to get in place than the original. Now installed, the battery is working fine, but because of the jammed fit, whether we'll ever be able to remove it when it needs replaced seems at this point to be a real question. We're hoping it lasts as long as the original--that would make the radio 14 years old at that point, when there will almost certainly be new technology on the market. Overall, since the radio is now working as it should, this was a positive experience, but other Squeezebox owners need to be aware of the ill fit of this replacement.